{# load django_bootstrap5#%} CCDB server
Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

   CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to the forms submit new counts, or report erroneous counts.


45 species in "Ilex" :

Taxon name Status Median (n)
Ilex anomala Hook. & Arn. Accepted 40
Ilex aquifolium L. Accepted 20
Ilex argentina Lillo Accepted 40
Ilex brevicuspis Reissek Accepted 20
Ilex ciliospinosa Loes. Accepted 20
Ilex cornuta Lindl. & Paxton Accepted 19
Ilex crenata Thunb. Accepted 17
Ilex decidua Walter Accepted 20
Ilex dipyrena Wall. Accepted 19
Ilex dumosa Reissek Accepted 20
Ilex fragilis Hook. Accepted 18
Ilex godajam Colebr. ex Hook. Accepted 20
Ilex hookeri King Accepted 20
Ilex insignis Hook. Accepted 20
Ilex integerrima Reissek Accepted 20
Ilex intricata Hook. Accepted 18
Ilex odorata B. -Ham. ex D. Don Accepted 20
Ilex oligodonta Merr. & Chun Accepted 20
Ilex opaca Aiton Accepted 18
Ilex paraguariensis A. S. -Hil. Accepted 20
Ilex pedunculosa Miq. Accepted 60
Ilex pseudobuxus Reissek Accepted 20
Ilex pubescens Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Ilex sikkimensis Kurz Accepted 18
Ilex sintenisii (Urb.) Britton Accepted 20
Ilex taubertiana Loes. Accepted 20
Ilex theezans Mart. Accepted 20
Ilex venulosa Hook. Accepted 20
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray Accepted 18
Ilex vomitoria Aiton Accepted 20
Ilex wightiana Wall. ex Wight Accepted 20
Ilex matanoana Makino Unresolved 17
Ilex mertensii Maxim. Unresolved 17
Ilex rugosa F. Schmidt Unresolved 20
Ilex serrata Royle Unresolved 20
Ilex monticola A. Gray Synonym of Ilex ambigua var. monticola (A. Gray) Wunderlin & Poppleton 20
Skimmia fortunei Mast. Synonym of Ilex cornuta Lindl. & Paxton 19
Skimmia reevesiana (Fortune) Fortune Synonym of Ilex cornuta Lindl. & Paxton 19
Ilex thomsonii Hook. Synonym of Ilex crenata var. thomsonii (Hook.) Loes. 18
Ilex doniana DC. Synonym of Ilex excelsa (Wall.) Voigt 20
Ilex godajam Colebr. Synonym of Ilex godajam Colebr. ex Hook. 20
Ilex leucoclada (Maxim.) Makino Synonym of Ilex integra Thunb. 17
Ilex paraguariensis S. -Hil. Synonym of Ilex paraguariensis A. S. -Hil. 20
Ilex griffithii Hook. Synonym of Ilex triflora Blume 20
Ilex sulcata Wall. ex Hook. Synonym of Ilex umbellulata (Wall.) Loes. 20