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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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22 species in "Galatella" :

Taxon name Status Median (n)
Galatella angustissima (Tausch) Novopokr. Accepted 10
Galatella dahurica DC. Accepted 9
Galatella hauptii (Ledeb.) Lindl. ex DC. Accepted 9
Galatella linosyris (L.) Rchb. Accepted 9
Aster aragonensis Asso Synonym of Galatella aragonensis (Asso) Nees 5
Aster fugax Brot. Synonym of Galatella aragonensis (Asso) Nees 5
Aster canus Waldst. & Kit. Synonym of Galatella cana (Waldst. & Kit.) Nees 9
Aster creticus (Gand.) Rech. Synonym of Galatella cretica Gand. 9
Aster linosyris (L.) Bernh. Synonym of Galatella linosyris (L.) Rchb. 9
Chrysocoma linosyris L. Synonym of Galatella linosyris (L.) Rchb. 9
Crinitaria linosyris (L.) Less. Synonym of Galatella linosyris (L.) Rchb. 9
Linosyris vulgaris Cass. ex Less. Synonym of Galatella linosyris (L.) Rchb. 9
Linosyris vulgaris DC. Synonym of Galatella linosyris (L.) Rchb. 9
Linosyris pontica (Lipsky) Novopokr. Synonym of Galatella linosyris subsp. pontica (Lipsky) Novopokr. & Bogdan 27
Aster meyendorffii (Regel & Maack) Voss Synonym of Galatella meyendorffii Regel & Maack 9
Aster acris L. Synonym of Galatella sedifolia (L.) Greuter 10
Aster punctatus Waldst. & Kit. Synonym of Galatella sedifolia (L.) Greuter 10
Aster sedifolius L. Synonym of Galatella sedifolia (L.) Greuter 10
Aster sedifolius subsp. sedifolius Synonym of Galatella sedifolia (L.) Greuter 10
Galatella punctata (Waldst. & Kit.) Nees Synonym of Galatella sedifolia (L.) Greuter 10
Galatella biflora (L.) Nees Synonym of Galatella sedifolia subsp. biflora (L.) Sennikov 18
Galatella altaica Tzvelev Synonym of Heteropappus altaicus (Willd.) Novopokr. 18