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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

   CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to the forms submit new counts, or report erroneous counts.


32 species in "Prenanthes" :

Taxon name Status Median (n)
Prenanthes autumnalis Walter Accepted 8
Prenanthes boottii (DC.) D. Dietr. Accepted 16
Prenanthes purpurea L. Accepted 9
Prenanthes sagittata Tjitrosoedirdjo Accepted 8
Prenanthes tanakae (Franch. & Sav.) Koidz. Accepted 8
Prenanthes alata Hook. & Thomson ex C. B. Clarke Unresolved 8
Prenanthes alba Walter Unresolved 16
Prenanthes altissima Pall. Unresolved 8
Prenanthes blinii (Level) Kitam. Unresolved 8
Prenanthes boottii (DC.) A. Gray Unresolved 16
Prenanthes brunoniana Wall. Unresolved 8
Prenanthes crepidinea Elliott Unresolved 16
Prenanthes racemosa Roxb. Unresolved 8
Prenanthes aspera Schrad. ex Willd. Synonym of Chondrilla aspera (Schrad.) Poir. 8
Prenanthes abietina (Boiss. & Balansa) Kirp. Synonym of Lactuca abietina (Boiss. & Balansa) Bornm. 8
Prenanthes laciniata Houtt. Synonym of Lactuca indica L. 9
Prenanthes cacaliifolia (M. Bieb.) Beauverd Synonym of Lactuca macrophylla (Willd.) A. Gray 9
Prenanthes alata (Hook.) D. Dietr. Synonym of Nabalus alatus Hook. 8
Prenanthes alba L. Synonym of Nabalus albus (L.) Hook. 16
Prenanthes altissima L. Synonym of Nabalus altissimus (L.) Hook. 8
Prenanthes aspera Michx. Synonym of Nabalus asper (Michx.) Torr. & A. Gray 8
Prenanthes crepidinea Michx. Synonym of Nabalus crepidineus (Michx.) DC. 16
Prenanthes racemosa Michx. Synonym of Nabalus racemosus (Michx.) Hook. 8
Prenanthes roanensis (Chick.) Chick. Synonym of Nabalus roanensis Chick. 8
Prenanthes sagittata (A. Gray) A. Nelson Synonym of Nabalus sagittatus (A. Gray) Rydb. 8
Prenanthes serpentaria Pursh Synonym of Nabalus serpentarius (Pursh) Hook. 8
Prenanthes tatarinowii (L.) Maxim. Synonym of Nabalus tatarinowii (Maxim.) Nakai 8
Prenanthes nana (Bigelow) Torr. Synonym of Nabalus trifoliolatus Cass. 8
Prenanthes trifoliolata (Cass.) Fernald Synonym of Nabalus trifoliolatus Cass. 8
Prenanthes nana Torr. ex DC. Synonym of Prenanthes alba var. nana Bigelow 8
Cicerbita petiolata (K. Koch) Gagnidze Synonym of Prenanthes petiolata (K. Koch) Sennikov 9
Cicerbita pontica (Boiss.) Grossh. Synonym of Prenanthes petiolata (K. Koch) Sennikov 9