{# load django_bootstrap5#%} CCDB server
Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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28 species in "Pogostemon" :

Taxon name Status Median (n)
Pogostemon auricularius (L.) Hassk. Accepted 17
Pogostemon benghalensis (Burm.) Kuntze Accepted 32
Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. Accepted 16
Pogostemon gardneri Hook. Accepted 16
Pogostemon heyneanus Benth. Accepted 30
Pogostemon mollis Benth. Accepted 16
Pogostemon paludosus Benth. Accepted 17
Pogostemon paniculatus (Willd.) Benth. Accepted 16
Pogostemon parviflorus Benth. Accepted 32
Pogostemon plectrantoides Desf. Accepted 32
Pogostemon pubescens Benth. Accepted 16
Pogostemon purpurascens Dalzell Accepted 16
Pogostemon speciosus Benth. Accepted 17
Pogostemon stellatus (Lour.) Kuntze Accepted 42
Pogostemon wightii Benth. Accepted 17
Dysophylla auricularia (L.) Blume Synonym of Pogostemon auricularius (L.) Hassk. 17
Mentha verticillata D. Don Synonym of Pogostemon crassicaulis (Benth.) Press 42
Dysophylla cruciata Benth. Synonym of Pogostemon cruciatus (Benth.) Kuntze 12
Eusteralis tomentosa var. gracilis (Dalzell) Bennet & Raizada Synonym of Pogostemon erectus (Dalzell) Kuntze 16
Pogostemon heyneanus Synonym of Pogostemon heyneanus Benth. 30
Dysophylla quadrifolia Benth. Synonym of Pogostemon quadrifolius (Benth.) F. Muell. 14
Eusteralis quadrifolia (Benth.) Panigrahi Synonym of Pogostemon quadrifolius (Benth.) F. Muell. 14
Eusteralis stellata var. roxburghiana (H. Keng) Bennet & Raizada Synonym of Pogostemon quadrifolius (Benth.) F. Muell. 14
Dysophylla verticillata Benth. Synonym of Pogostemon stellatus (Lour.) Kuntze 42
Eusteralis stellata (Lour.) Panigrahi Synonym of Pogostemon stellatus (Lour.) Kuntze 42
Mentha verticillata (Benth.) Roxb. Synonym of Pogostemon stellatus (Lour.) Kuntze 42
Dysophylla yatabeana Makino Synonym of Pogostemon yatabeanus (Makino) Press 17
Eusteralis yatabeana (Makino) Panigrahi Synonym of Pogostemon yatabeanus (Makino) Press 17