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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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177 species in "Stachys" :

Taxon name Status Median (n)
Stachys aculeolata Hook. Accepted 23
Stachys aegyptiaca Pers. Accepted 17
Stachys agraria Schltdl. & Cham. Accepted 16
Stachys ajugoides Benth. Accepted 33
Stachys albanica Markgr. Accepted 17
Stachys albens A. Gray Accepted 33
Stachys alpina L. Accepted 15
Stachys angustifolia M. Bieb. Accepted 17
Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pancic Accepted 17
Stachys annua (L.) L. Accepted 17
Stachys arvensis (L.) L. Accepted 5
Stachys aspera Michx. Accepted 34
Stachys atherocalyx K. Koch Accepted 17
Stachys bayburtensis R. Bhattacharjee & H. -Mor. Accepted 15
Stachys beckeana Dörfl. & Hayek Accepted 17
Stachys bergii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro Accepted 17
Stachys bolusii Skan Accepted 8
Stachys bullata Benth. Accepted 33
Stachys byzantina K. Koch Accepted 15
Stachys candida Bory & Chaub. Accepted 17
Stachys canescens Bory & Chaub. Accepted 17
Stachys chamissonis Benth. Accepted 32
Stachys chamissonis var. cooleyae (A. Heller) G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro Accepted 32
Stachys chinensis Bunge ex Benth. Accepted 40
Stachys chrysantha Boiss. & Heldr. Accepted 17
Stachys circinata L'Hér. Accepted 10
Stachys coccinea Ortega Accepted 42
Stachys corsica Pers. Accepted 9
Stachys cretica L. Accepted 15
Stachys cretica subsp. bulgarica Rech. Accepted 15
Stachys cretica subsp. cassia (Boiss.) Rech. Accepted 15
Stachys drummondii Benth. Accepted 40
Stachys eplingii J. B. Nelson Accepted 17
Stachys eriantha Benth. Accepted 16
Stachys euboica Rech. Accepted 17
Stachys floccosa Benth. Accepted 15
Stachys floridana Shuttlew. ex Benth. Accepted 17
Stachys germanica L. Accepted 15
Stachys germanica subsp. dasyanthes (Raf.) Arcang. Accepted 15
Stachys germanica subsp. heldreichii (Boiss.) Hayek Accepted 15
Stachys glutinosa L. Accepted 16
Stachys heraclea All. Accepted 15
Stachys hispida Pursh Accepted 32
Stachys hissarica Regel Accepted 15
Stachys huber-morathii R. Bhattacharjee Accepted 15
Stachys huetii Boiss. Accepted 15
Stachys hyssopifolia Michx. Accepted 17
Stachys inflata Benth. Accepted 16
Stachys ionica Halácsy Accepted 17
Stachys iva Griseb. Accepted 17
Stachys komarovii Knorring Accepted 16
Stachys latidens Small Accepted 17
Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl Accepted 30
Stachys leucoglossa Griseb. Accepted 17
Stachys maritima Gouan Accepted 17
Stachys marrubiifolia Viv. Accepted 8
Stachys melissifolia Benth. Accepted 15
Stachys menthifolia Vis. Accepted 17
Stachys menthoides Kotschy & Boiss. Accepted 17
Stachys mexicana Benth. Accepted 32
Stachys mollissima Willd. Accepted 17
Stachys mucronata Sieber ex Spreng. Accepted 15
Stachys ocymastrum (L.) Briq. Accepted 9
Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis. Accepted 8
Stachys palaestina L. Accepted 17
Stachys palustris L. Accepted 48
Stachys parolinii Vis. Accepted 17
Stachys persica S. G. Gmel. ex C. A. Mey. Accepted 12
Stachys pilosa Nutt. Accepted 32
Stachys pilosa var. arenicola (Britton) G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro Accepted 34
Stachys plumosa Griseb. Accepted 17
Stachys pycnantha Benth. Accepted 33
Stachys recta L. Accepted 17
Stachys recta subsp. labiosa (Bertol.) Briq. Accepted 17
Stachys recta subsp. subcrenata (Vis.) Briq. Accepted 17
Stachys riederi var. japonica (Miq.) H. Hara Accepted 32
Stachys rigida Nutt. ex Benth. Accepted 32
Stachys rothrockii A. Gray Accepted 17
Stachys scardica (Griseb.) Hayek Accepted 8
Stachys serbica Pancic Accepted 8
Stachys sericantha P. H. Davis Accepted 15
Stachys sericophylla Halácsy Accepted 15
Stachys speluncarum Contandr. & Quézel Accepted 17
Stachys spinosa L. Accepted 17
Stachys spinulosa Sm. Accepted 9
Stachys spreitzenhoferi Heldr. Accepted 17
Stachys spruneri Boiss. Accepted 17
Stachys stebbinsii G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro Accepted 33
Stachys stricta Greene Accepted 33
Stachys swainsonii Benth. Accepted 17
Stachys sylvatica L. Accepted 32
Stachys tenuifolia Willd. Accepted 32
Stachys tetragona Boiss. & Heldr. Accepted 17
Stachys thirkei K. Koch Accepted 15
Stachys tmolea Boiss. Accepted 15
Stachys tournefortii Poir. Accepted 15
Stachys tymphaea Hausskn. Accepted 15
Stachys viticina Boiss. Accepted 15
Stachys vuralii Yıldız, Dirmenci & Akçiçek Accepted 15
Stachys goulimyi Rech. Unresolved 17
Stachys ivae Griseb. Unresolved 17
Stachys tenoreana Bornm. Unresolved 17
Stachys parviflora Benth. Synonym of Phlomidoschema parviflorum (Benth.) Vved. 17
Stachys sieboldii Miq. Synonym of Stachys affinis Bunge 8
Betonica alopecuros L. Synonym of Stachys alopecuros (L.) Benth. 8
Betonica jacquinii Gren. & Godr. Synonym of Stachys alopecuros (L.) Benth. 8
Betonica divulsa Ten. Synonym of Stachys alopecuros subsp. divulsa (Ten.) Grande 8
Stachys alpina subsp. alpina Synonym of Stachys alpina L. 15
Stachys annua subsp. annua Synonym of Stachys annua (L.) L. 17
Stachys ambigua (A. Gray) Britton Synonym of Stachys aspera Michx. 34
Stachys palustris subsp. aspera (Michx.) D. -Sok. Synonym of Stachys aspera Michx. 34
Stachys balansae subsp. balansae Synonym of Stachys balansae Boiss. & Kotschy 15
Betonica foliosa Rupr. Synonym of Stachys betoniciflora Rupr. 8
Stachys lanata Jacq. Synonym of Stachys byzantina K. Koch 15
Stachys olympica Poir. Synonym of Stachys byzantina K. Koch 15
Stachys cooleyae A. Heller Synonym of Stachys chamissonis var. cooleyae (A. Heller) G. A. Mulligan & D. B. Munro 32
Stachys coccinea Jacq. Synonym of Stachys coccinea Ortega 42
Stachys nuttallii Shuttlew. ex Benth. Synonym of Stachys cordata Riddell 17
Stachys cretica L. (. S. C. L. Synonym of Stachys cretica L. 15
Stachys thracica Davidov Synonym of Stachys cretica subsp. bulgarica Rech. 15
Stachys cassia (Boiss.) Boiss. Synonym of Stachys cretica subsp. cassia (Boiss.) Rech. 15
Stachys germanica subsp. salviifolia (Ten.) Gams Synonym of Stachys cretica subsp. salviifolia (Ten.) Rech. 15
Stachys salviifolia Ten. Synonym of Stachys cretica subsp. salviifolia (Ten.) Rech. 15
Betonica nivea Steven Synonym of Stachys discolor Benth. 8
Stachys acutifolia Bory & Chaub. Synonym of Stachys germanica L. 15
Stachys germanica L. (. S. G. L. Synonym of Stachys germanica L. 15
Stachys germanica subsp. lusitanica (Hoffmanns. & Link) Cout. Synonym of Stachys germanica L. 15
Stachys germanica var. dasyanthes (Raf.) Briq. Synonym of Stachys germanica subsp. dasyanthes (Raf.) Arcang. 15
Stachys heldreichii Boiss. Synonym of Stachys germanica subsp. heldreichii (Boiss.) Hayek 15
Stachys heldreichii Boiss. Synonym of Stachys germanica subsp. heldreichii (Boiss.) Hayek 15
Stachys petiolosa Briq. Synonym of Stachys gilliesii Benth. 16
Stachys valentina Lag. Synonym of Stachys heraclea All. 15
Stachys pilosa subsp. hispida (Pursh) Á. Löve & D. Löve Synonym of Stachys hispida Pursh 32
Stachys tenuifolia var. hispida (Pursh) Fernald Synonym of Stachys hispida Pursh 32
Stachys horvaticii Micevski Synonym of Stachys iva Griseb. 17
Stachys horvaticii Micevski Synonym of Stachys iva Griseb. 17
Stachys kurdica var. kurdica Synonym of Stachys kurdica Boiss. & Hohen. 17
Stachys libanotica var. minor Boiss. Synonym of Stachys libanotica Benth. 15
Betonica grandiflora Steph. ex Willd. Synonym of Stachys macrantha (K. Koch) Stearn 16
Betonica orientalis L. Synonym of Stachys macrostachys (Wender.) Briq. 8
Stachys melissifolia B. nth. Synonym of Stachys melissifolia Benth. 15
Stachys sericea Wall. ex Benth. Synonym of Stachys melissifolia Benth. 15
Stachys splendens Wall. Synonym of Stachys melissifolia Benth. 15
Stachys grandiflora Host Synonym of Stachys menthifolia Vis. 17
Stachys decumbens Pers. Synonym of Stachys mollissima Willd. 17
Stachys hirta L. Synonym of Stachys ocymastrum (L.) Briq. 9
Betonica officinalis L. Synonym of Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis. 8
Stachys bulgarica (Degen & Nejceff) Hayek Synonym of Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis. 8
Stachys monieri (Gouan) P. W. Ball Synonym of Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis. 8
Betonica haussknechtii (Nyman) Hausskn. Synonym of Stachys officinalis subsp. haussknechtii (Nyman) Greuter & Burdet 8
Stachys balcanica P. W. Ball Synonym of Stachys officinalis subsp. haussknechtii (Nyman) Greuter & Burdet 8
Stachys algeriensis (Noë) Rothm. Synonym of Stachys officinalis var. algeriensis (Noë) Cout. 8
Betonica ossetica (Bornm.) Chinth. Synonym of Stachys ossetica (Bornm.) Czerep. 8
Stachys palustris Synonym of Stachys palustris L. 48
Stachys palustris None Synonym of Stachys palustris L. 48
Stachys palustris subsp. pilosa (Nutt.) Epling Synonym of Stachys pilosa Nutt. 32
Stachys pilosa Synonym of Stachys pilosa Nutt. 32
Stachys pangaea Phitos Synonym of Stachys plumosa Griseb. 17
Betonica hirsuta L. Synonym of Stachys pradica (Zanted.) Greuter & Pignatti 8
Stachys pseudopinardii Bhattacharjee & Huber-Morath Synonym of Stachys pseudopinardii R. Bhattacharjee & H. -Mor. 15
Stachys recta L. (. S. R. L. Synonym of Stachys recta L. 17
Stachys recta subsp. recta Synonym of Stachys recta L. 17
Stachys baldaccii (K. Malý) H. -Mazz. & Janch. Synonym of Stachys recta subsp. baldaccii (K. Malý) Hayek 17
Stachys labiosa Bertol. Synonym of Stachys recta subsp. labiosa (Bertol.) Briq. 17
Stachys fragilis Vis. Synonym of Stachys recta subsp. subcrenata (Vis.) Briq. 17
Stachys recta subsp. serpentini (Fiori) Arrigoni Synonym of Stachys recta subsp. subcrenata (Vis.) Briq. 17
Stachys subcrenata Vis. Synonym of Stachys recta subsp. subcrenata (Vis.) Briq. 17
Stachys rigida var. quercetorum (A. Heller) Epling ex Munz Synonym of Stachys rigida subsp. quercetorum (A. Heller) Epling 33
Betonica scardica Griseb. Synonym of Stachys scardica (Griseb.) Hayek 8
Stachys spreitzenhoferi subsp. spreitzenhoferi Synonym of Stachys spreitzenhoferi Heldr. 17
Stachys swainsonii B. (. S. S. Benth. Synonym of Stachys swainsonii Benth. 17
Stachys swainsonii subsp. swainsonii Synonym of Stachys swainsonii Benth. 17
Stachys argolica Boiss. Synonym of Stachys swainsonii subsp. argolica (Boiss.) Nyman 17
Stachys scyronica Boiss. Synonym of Stachys swainsonii subsp. scyronica (Boiss.) Pithos & Damboldt 17
Stachys sylvatica None Synonym of Stachys sylvatica L. 32
Stachys tenuifolia var. tenuifolia Synonym of Stachys tenuifolia Willd. 32
Stachys thirkei C. Koch Synonym of Stachys thirkei K. Koch 15