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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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113 species in "Erythrina" :

Taxon name Status Median (n)
Erythrina acanthocarpa E. Mey. Accepted 42
Erythrina amazonica Krukoff Accepted 42
Erythrina americana Mill. Accepted 21
Erythrina arborescens Roxb. Accepted 21
Erythrina atitlanensis Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina barqueroana Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina batolobium Barneby & Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina berenices Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina berteroana Urb. Accepted 21
Erythrina bidwillii Lindl. Accepted 21
Erythrina blakei R. Parker Accepted 21
Erythrina breviflora DC. Accepted 21
Erythrina brucei Schweinf. Accepted 21
Erythrina buchii Urb. Accepted 21
Erythrina burana Chiov. Accepted 84
Erythrina burttii Baker Accepted 63
Erythrina caffra Thunb. Accepted 21
Erythrina chiapasana Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina chiriquensis Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina cobanensis Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina cochleata Standl. Accepted 21
Erythrina corallodendron L. Accepted 21
Erythrina coralloides DC. Accepted 21
Erythrina costaricensis Micheli Accepted 21
Erythrina crista-galli L. Accepted 21
Erythrina cubensis C. Wright Accepted 21
Erythrina decora Harms Accepted 21
Erythrina edulis Micheli Accepted 21
Erythrina eggersii Krukoff & Moldenke Accepted 21
Erythrina elenae R. A. Howard & W. R. Briggs Accepted 21
Erythrina falcata Benth. Accepted 21
Erythrina flabelliformis Kearney Accepted 21
Erythrina florenciae Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina folkersii Krukoff & Moldenke Accepted 21
Erythrina fusca Lour. Accepted 21
Erythrina gibbosa Cufod. Accepted 21
Erythrina globocalyx Porsch & Cufod. Accepted 21
Erythrina goldmanii Standl. Accepted 21
Erythrina greenwayi Verdc. Accepted 21
Erythrina grisebachii Urb. Accepted 21
Erythrina guatemalensis Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina herbacea L. Accepted 21
Erythrina hondurensis Standl. Accepted 21
Erythrina horrida DC. Accepted 21
Erythrina huehuetenangensis Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina humeana Spreng. Accepted 21
Erythrina lanata Rose Accepted 21
Erythrina lanceolata Standl. Accepted 21
Erythrina leptorhiza DC. Accepted 21
Erythrina livingstoniana Baker Accepted 21
Erythrina lysistemon Hutch. Accepted 21
Erythrina macrophylla DC. Accepted 21
Erythrina megistophylla Diels Accepted 21
Erythrina merrilliana Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina mexicana Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina oaxacana (Krukoff) Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina oliviae Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina pallida Britton Accepted 21
Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) O. F. Cook Accepted 21
Erythrina pudica Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina resupinata Roxb. Accepted 21
Erythrina sacleuxii Hua Accepted 21
Erythrina sandwicensis Degener Accepted 21
Erythrina senegalensis DC. Accepted 21
Erythrina sigmoidea Hua Accepted 21
Erythrina smithiana Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina sousae Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina speciosa Andrews Accepted 21
Erythrina standleyana Krukoff Accepted 21
Erythrina stricta Roxb. Accepted 21
Erythrina suberosa Roxb. Accepted 21
Erythrina tahitensis Nadeaud Accepted 21
Erythrina tuxtlana Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina variegata L. Accepted 21
Erythrina velutina Willd. Accepted 21
Erythrina verna Vell. Accepted 21
Erythrina vespertilio Benth. Accepted 21
Erythrina vogelii Hook. Accepted 21
Erythrina williamsii Krukoff & Barneby Accepted 21
Erythrina zeyheri Harv. Accepted 21
Erythrina abyssinica Lam. Unresolved 21
Erythrina americana Miller Synonym of Erythrina americana Mill. 21
Erythrina neglecta Krukoff & Moldenke Synonym of Erythrina berteroana Urb. 21
Erythrina blakei Hort. ex Parker Synonym of Erythrina blakei R. Parker 21
Erythrina burttii Synonym of Erythrina burttii Baker 63
Erythrina corallodendrum L. Synonym of Erythrina corallodendron L. 21
Erythrina costaricensis M. Micheli Synonym of Erythrina costaricensis Micheli 21
Erythrina dominguezii Hassi. Synonym of Erythrina dominguezii Hassl. 21
Erythrina horrida Eggers Synonym of Erythrina eggersii Krukoff & Moldenke 21
Erythrina caffra Blanco Synonym of Erythrina fusca Lour. 21
Erythrina glauca Willd. Synonym of Erythrina fusca Lour. 21
Erythrina indica sensu R. Vig. Synonym of Erythrina fusca Lour. 21
Erythrina goldmanii Standley Synonym of Erythrina goldmanii Standl. 21
Erythrina guatemalensis Kruk. Synonym of Erythrina guatemalensis Krukoff 21
Erythrina latissima E. Meyer Synonym of Erythrina latissima E. Mey. 21
Erythrina caffra sensu auct. Synonym of Erythrina lysistemon Hutch. 21
Erythrina lysistemon Hutch Synonym of Erythrina lysistemon Hutch. 21
Erythrina altissima A. Chev. Synonym of Erythrina mildbraedii Harms 21
Erythrina rubrinervia HBK Synonym of Erythrina rubrinervia Kunth 21
Erythrina sandwicensis Gegener Synonym of Erythrina sandwicensis Degener 21
Erythrina steyermarkii K. f Synonym of Erythrina steyermarkii Krukoff & Barneby 21
Erythrina stricta Synonym of Erythrina stricta Roxb. 21
Erythrina tajumulcensis Krukoff Synonym of Erythrina tajumulcensis Krukoff & Barneby 21
Erythrina boninensis Tuyama Synonym of Erythrina variegata L. 21
Erythrina indica Lam. Synonym of Erythrina variegata L. 21
Erythrina indica var. picta B. & M. Synonym of Erythrina variegata L. 21
Erythrina lithosperma Miq. Synonym of Erythrina variegata L. 21
Erythrina mysorensis Gamble Synonym of Erythrina variegata L. 21
Erythrina variegata var. orientalis (L.) Merr. Synonym of Erythrina variegata L. 21
Erythrina vespertilio Synonym of Erythrina vespertilio Benth. 21
Erythrina bancoensis Aubrev. Synonym of Erythrina vogelii Hook. 21
Erythrina bancoensis Aubrév. & Pellegr. Synonym of Erythrina vogelii Hook. 21
Erythrina williamsii K. f & Barneby Synonym of Erythrina williamsii Krukoff & Barneby 21