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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

   CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to the forms submit new counts, or report erroneous counts.


34 species in "Ligustrum" :

Taxon name Status Median (n)
Ligustrum compactum (Wall.) Hook. & Thomson ex Brandis Accepted 23
Ligustrum delavayanum Har. Accepted 23
Ligustrum gracile Rehder Accepted 23
Ligustrum ibota Siebold Accepted 23
Ligustrum japonicum Thunb. Accepted 22
Ligustrum leucanthum (S. Moore) P. S. Green Accepted 23
Ligustrum lucidum W. T. Aiton Accepted 23
Ligustrum myrsinites Decne. Accepted 23
Ligustrum nepalense Wall. Accepted 23
Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold & Zucc. Accepted 23
Ligustrum obtusifolium subsp. microphyllum (Nakai) P. S. Green Accepted 23
Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk. Accepted 23
Ligustrum perrottetii A. DC. Accepted 23
Ligustrum quihoui Carrière Accepted 23
Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Blume Accepted 23
Ligustrum sinense Lour. Accepted 23
Ligustrum tschonoskii Decne. Accepted 23
Ligustrum vulgare L. Accepted 23
Ligustrum roxburghii C. B. Clarke Synonym of Ligustrum gamblei Ramamoorthy 23
Ligustrum acutissimum Koehne Synonym of Ligustrum leucanthum (S. Moore) P. S. Green 23
Ligustrum lucidum f. latifolium (W. C. Cheng) P. S. Hsu Synonym of Ligustrum lucidum W. T. Aiton 23
Ligustrum amurense Carrière Synonym of Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold & Zucc. 23
Ligustrum obtusifolium subsp. suave (Kitag.) Kitag. Synonym of Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold & Zucc. 23
Ligustrum ibota f. microphyllum (Nakai) Nakai Synonym of Ligustrum obtusifolium subsp. microphyllum (Nakai) P. S. Green 23
Ligustrum neilgherrense Wight Synonym of Ligustrum perrottetii A. DC. 23
Ligustrum seisuiense T. Shimizu & M. T. Kao Synonym of Ligustrum pricei Hayata 23
Ligustrum decaisnei C. B. Clarke Synonym of Ligustrum robustum subsp. walkeri (Decne.) P. S. Green 23
Ligustrum walkeri Decne. Synonym of Ligustrum robustum subsp. walkeri (Decne.) P. S. Green 23
Ligustrum indicum (Lour.) Merr. Synonym of Ligustrum sinense Lour. 23
Ligustrum sinense var. sinense Synonym of Ligustrum sinense Lour. 23
Ligustrum acuminatum Koehne Synonym of Ligustrum tschonoskii Decne. 23
Ligustrum yesoense Nakai Synonym of Ligustrum tschonoskii Decne. 23
Ligustrum insulare Decne. Synonym of Ligustrum vulgare L. 23
Ligustrum amurense Decne. Synonym of Citharexylum ligustrifolium (Thur.) V. Houtte 23