;CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to mailto:evolseq@tauex.tau.ac.il >Heterophyllium helvaticum 9 >Brotherella harveyana 10 >Brotherella yokohamae 9 >Heterophyllium haldanianum 11 >Acanthocladium extenuatum 20 >Wijkia hornschuchii 5 >Brotherella henonii 9 >Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum 22 >Taxithelium nepalense 10 >Clastobryella kusatsuensis 10 >Aptychella delicata 6 >Acanthocladium extenuatum 20 >Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum 22 >Brotherella henonii 10 >Heterophyllium brachycarpum 11 >Heterophyllium haldanianum 22 >Brotherella complanata 10 >Brotherella fauriei 8 >Brotherella henonii 10 >Brotherella herbacea 7 >Rhaphidostichum lutschianum 10 >Brotherella recurvans 7 >Brotherella yokohamae 10 >Brotherella complanata 10 >Brotherella erythrocaulis 10 >Brotherella falcata 10 >Brotherella fauriei 8 >Brotherella harveyana 10 >Brotherella henonii 10 >Brotherella herbacea 7 >Brotherella recurvans 7 >Brotherella tenuirostris 10 >Brotherella yokohamae 10 >Heterophyllium affine 11 >Palisadula chrysophylla 6 >Palisadula katoi 6 >Rhaphidostichum lutschianum 10 >Sematophyllum amoenum 22 >Sematophyllum subpinnatum 10 >Sematophyllum marylandicum 10 >Taxithelium nepalense 10 >Wijkia extenuata 20 >Wijkia hornschuchii 5 >Wijkia nakanishikii 9