;CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to mailto:evolseq@tauex.tau.ac.il >Christella conspersa 72 >Christella dentata 36 >Christella nymphalis 36 >Christella papilio 36 >Christella serra 36 >Christella subpubescens 36 >Cyclosorus acuminatus 36 >Cyclosorus appendiculatus 36 >Cyclosorus aridus 36 >Cyclosorus crinipes 36 >Cyclosorus cylindrothrix 36 >Thelypteris augescens 72 >Thelypteris cretacea 36 >Thelypteris kunthii 72 >Thelypteris lanosa 36 >Thelypteris ovata 36 >Thelypteris patens 36 >Thelypteris puberula 72