;CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to mailto:evolseq@tauex.tau.ac.il >Leptosiphon montanus 8=0.50_9=0.50 >Linanthus ambiguus 9 >Linanthus androsaceus 9 >Linanthus androsaceus subsp. luteolus 9 >Linanthus androsaceus subsp. luteus 9 >Linanthus aureus 9 >Linanthus bicolor 9 >Linanthus breviculus 9 >Linanthus campanulatus 9 >Linanthus ciliatus 8=0.33_9=0.33_16=0.34 >Linanthus ciliatus var. neglectus 9 >Linanthus demissus 9 >Linanthus dianthiflorus 9 >Linanthus dichotomus 9 >Linanthus filiformis 9 >Linanthus filipes 9 >Linanthus floribundus 9 >Linanthus grandiflorus 9 >Linanthus lemmonii 9 >Linanthus liniflorus 9 >Linanthus maculatus 9 >Linanthus melingii 18 >Linanthus nudatus 9 >Linanthus nuttallii 9 >Linanthus pachyphyllus 18 >Linanthus parryae 9 >Linanthus parviflorus 9 >Linanthus pungens 9