;CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to mailto:evolseq@tauex.tau.ac.il >Asyneuma campanuloides 51 >Asyneuma canescens 17 >Asyneuma lobelioides 12 >Physoplexis comosa 17 >Phyteuma betonicifolium 12 >Phyteuma betonicifolium subsp. scaposum 12 >Phyteuma charmelii 13 >Phyteuma confusum 14 >Phyteuma cordatum 12 >Phyteuma globulariifolium 14 >Phyteuma hedraianthifolium 14 >Phyteuma hemisphaericum 14 >Phyteuma humile 14 >Phyteuma nigrum 13 >Phyteuma orbiculare 13 >Phyteuma ovatum 13 >Phyteuma persicifolium 12 >Phyteuma scheuchzeri 18 >Phyteuma scheuchzeri subsp. columnae 13 >Phyteuma serratum 14 >Phyteuma sieberi 10 >Phyteuma spicatum 18 >Phyteuma vagneri 12 >Phyteuma × adulterinum 11