The GUIDANCE2 Server
Server for alignment confidence score

Source Code

Please note that the GUIDANCE source code is freely distributed for academic use only (see copyrights statement below)

1. Downloading and compiling GUIDANCE.
2. Running GUIDANCE

Downloading and Compiling GUIDANCE
The following instructions should work right out of the box for UNIX-like systems. Mac should also work in principle, but is not yet supported. Windows will require some additional work, such as setting up a cygwin environment.

1. Download the GUIDANCE source code.
2. Unzip and untar the files:

tar -xzvf guidance.v2.02.tar.gz

This will create a directory named guidance.v2.02

3. Make:

cd guidance.v2.02

4. Check if you have the desired alignment program(s) installed:
5. GUIDANCE also uses Perl, BioPerl and Ruby:
For any problems - please contact us
Guidance Source Code in Github

Run the Perl script: guidance/www/Guidance/
(Note that you cannot move this script out of its directory, because it uses relative paths to other files in other directories. Sorry)
GUIDANCE uses flags in the command line arguments: (for help, type: "perl")

USAGE: perl <guidance directory>/www/Guidance/ --seqFile SEQFILE --msaProgram [MAFFT|PRANK|CLUSTALW|MUSCLE] --seqType [aa|nuc|codon] --outDir FULL_PATH_OUTDIR

Required parameters:
--seqFile: Input sequence file in FASTA format
--msaProgram: Which MSA program to use
--seqType: Type of sequences for alignment (amino acids, nucleotides, or codons)
--outDir: Output directory that will be created automatically and hold all output files [please provid full (and not relative) path]

Optional parameters:
--bootstraps: Number of bootstrap iterations (only for GUIDQANCE). Defaut=100
--genCode: Genetic code identifier (only for codon sequences). Default=1
1) Nuclear Standard
15) Nuclear Blepharisma
6) Nuclear Ciliate
10) Nuclear Euplotid
2) Mitochondria Vertebrate
5) Mitochondria Invertebrate
3) Mitochondria Yeast
13) Mitochondria Ascidian
9) Mitochondria Echinoderm
14) Mitochondria Flatworm
4) Mitochondria Protozoan
--outOrder [aligned|as_input] default=aligned
--msaFile: Input alignment file - not recommended, see the overview section
--seqCutoff: Confidence cutoff between 0 to 1. Default=0.6
--colCutoff: Confidence cutoff between 0 to 1. Default=0.93
--mafft: path to mafft executable. Default=mafft
--prank: path to prank executable. Default=prank
--muscle: path to muscle executable. default=muscle
--pagan: path to pagan executable, default=pagan
--ruby: path to ruby executable. default=ruby
--dataset: Unique name for the Dataset - will be used as prefix to outputs (default=MSA)
--MSA_Param: passing parameters for the alignment program e.g -F to prank. To pass parameter containning '-' in it, add \ before each '-' e.g. \-F for PRANK
--proc_num: number of processors to use (default=1)

For any problems or questions please contact us at